Are you struggling with vaginal dryness and/or painful sex after menopause?
Watch video to learn more.

79% of women with VVA report symptoms of vaginal dryness, including discomfort riding a bike or even wearing pants.

59% of women with VVA report symptoms of painful intercourse and 54% of these women consider their painful intercourse to be moderate to severe.
From years of experience caring for menopausal women, Dr. Barb DePree knows firsthand that most women are often unprepared for the two most common bothersome symptoms of menopause: vaginal dryness and painful intercourse.
Watch video to learn more.
Dr. Barb DePree, OB/GYN, women's healthcare provider and menopause care specialist, is a paid spokesperson for Duchesnay USA.
Falling estrogen levels due to menopause cause vaginal changes referred to as Vulvar and Vaginal Atrophy (VVA). The two most common bothersome symptoms of VVA are vaginal dryness and painful intercourse (dyspareunia). That’s where Osphena® comes in.

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